Our 3 Core Principles
3 Principles & Your Retirement
Each client relationship we have aims to focus on these three values: Safety, a Reasonable Rate of Return** and Keeping it Simple. Contact us today to review your unique situation and discover which options may be right for you.
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To properly plan for retirement, you need a tested and effective strategy.
Our approach uses 3 core guiding principles to help develop your retirement strategy. We use retirement options such as fixed index annuities, fixed annuities, and indexed universal life insurance to help you secure a long-term financial future. Learn more about these foundational concepts below.

Our 3 Core Principles

#1 Safety First
The typical retirement portfolio may be heavy on stock market investments. But, market investments have inherent risk. Sure, your savings may increase during a market upturn. However, if the market drops, your savings can as well. If this happens, you may wonder if your account will have time to recover.
That’s why we focus on protecting your principal*. During your working years, you may have been willing to withstand the “roller coaster ride” of the market. In fact, many people choose to simply buy and hold, hoping the market will bounce back. However, once you are near retirement, your goals may change. Now, instead of simply waiting things out, you may be looking to protect the wealth you’ve built.

#2: Keep It Simple
Believe it or not, retirement strategies can be made simple. Some of the best long-term retirement strategies are those that chose a clear path. Most importantly, we believe that it is critical that you understand your money and your plan. Do you know how your current accounts work? Is your money there for you? When you have the right plan, you don’t need to worry about asking these questions. In fact, you can have simple, straight-forward options with a guaranteed retirement income for life*.
No one should have to waste time in retirement worrying about how much money they have. Instead, we work to help clients feel confident about their retirement income. In addition, with our methods to secure your principal*, retirees don’t have to worry about running out of money. It is possible to reach your goals with a simple approach to retirement.

#3: Reasonable Rate of Return**
Our firm helps guide clients to expect a reasonable rate of return**. Because we hold safety and simplicity as a high priority and we provide alternatives to high-risk investments. Often, the rates of return offered by other conservative options are disappointing.
Some of the options we provide may generate a reasonable rate of return**, without risking your principal. Fixed index annuities, for example, do not invest your money directly into the market. Instead, they link to an index. When the index is up, you may see some rate of return. However, when the index is down, your principal does not decrease. Therefore, you are able to achieve some potential indexed interest, without risking your money in the market.
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Register for an upcoming “Understanding Different Retirement Strategies” seminar to learn more. Fill out the form and we’ll be in touch.
NO products will be sold at the event and there is no obligation to make a follow up appointment.